Monday, October 11, 2010

Open Season On Gays

Carl Paladino
Judging by the latest news coming out of NYC, one might be justified in thinking Gotham has become a seething hotbed of anti-gay violence and bigotry.

First we have eight gang members arrested on charges of torturing and sodomizing two gay teens in the Bronx with a toilet plunger. The gangsters used methods of torture that evoke images of poor Abner Luima.

Then we have certified nut-case Carl Paladino, the Republican businessman from Buffalo, running for governor and making the following prepared statement, which garnered some applause, while campaigning before Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn:
I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn't.
What a charming guy. And what an ignoramus. Is this the best that Republicans in NYS can do? In a year in which incumbent Dems are vulnerable all across the country, this is what the GOP offers?

In hitching their wagons to the Tea Party, Republicans from Delaware to Nevada to New York are selling their souls. They are trading electability for energy. Tea Partiers are great at winning primaries, yet in all but the most conservative districts or states, offering them up as general election candidates is electoral suicide.

The Republicans might very well take over the House and make gains in the governor's races, but if they tie their fate to the Tea Partiers, their dominance will be short-lived indeed.


  1. I applaud Gary Paladino for speaking the truth. Myself and many Americans (I know that must be shocking) totally agree with what he is saying. And whether the Orthodox Jewish group authored the remark or not, what Paladino said about the dysfunction of homosexuals is right on the mark. I believe in most cases, people don't choose to have attraction to the same sex, but they do choose whether to embrace that attraction or to seek help for it. I know you and many other won't agree with me, and that's fine, but I see homosexuality not as the order of things in which our Creator intended, but a dis-order. It's difficult to argue that from an anatomical standpoint, men were made to be with women. In addition to the obvious sexual compatibility of their respective genitals, there is ability for procreation. I see it as really that simple. I agree with Paladino in that we are brainwashing children into thinking a disorder is healthy and normal, and I'm sorry, but it isn't. I know that may seem backwards thinking or bigoted to some, but it's what I believe. (Unfortunately, Paladino has now backpedaled on some of his comments.) And by the way, I am NOT homophobic.

  2. I guess the problem I have with Paladino's statement is he's implying that there's something wrong with you if you're gay or -- in your case -- something wrong with you if you don't seek help to reverse the condition. I think it's easy to take that position on homosexuality until you have a close family member who is gay. Then you have to decide whether to condemn them in the same language you just did, while maintaing your love for them. That would be a difficult thing to pull off.

  3. The real issue here is the myopic view of the author of this article. Although he or she is a typical representative of the left, you have to wonder if they realize that they’re doing this, or is it just a knee jerk reaction. It’s my belief that all lefties have an agenda that they adhere to, but because everyone of them are consumed by an uncontainable hostility towards the right, they can’t really prevent themselves from saying the most malicious, venomous, and spiteful things about anyone that doesn’t agree with them. Just to put things into perspective, Carl Paladino was a Democrat for the first fifty or so years of his life. Was he a nut case back then? I have a feeling it was after he switched to the Republican Party in 2005 is when he began to acquire the reputation of being a nut. Also it should be noted that Carl Paladino said that he doesn’t believe in the persecution of gays, and he would have no problem with appointing gays to key positions in his administration if he were to be elected governor. So it would seem to me that it’s because of his belief that traditional values are important to the development and well being of our country’s youths, and vital to the strength of the fundamental nature of our society. This is the reason that the left has targeted him. It takes guts to stand up for what’s right, it doesn’t take any guts to follow the path of least resistance like so many people do. Carl Paladino may not win the election against the Democrat elitist Andrew Cuomo in a solidly blue state, but it’s the country that really loses here, and it sickens me that these lefties get away with this type of smear campaign, which is nothing more than a perpetual perversion of the truth. I’m just glad that I grew up!

  4. Victim, it's funny that you assume I am on the left and acting in a "knee-jerk" fashion. I'm actually what passes for a conservative in Connecticut's far Northwest Corner.
    Far from having an "uncontainable hostility towards the right," I am friendly with many conservatives.
    I just don't buy all of this nonsense from social conservatives that we should base public policy on "the order of things in which our Creator intended," to quote amazingairwaves above.
    There are plenty of places where you can find theocracies and -- with the exception of Israel -- the results are pretty ugly and repressive.
    True conservatives want the government out of the boardroom AND the bedroom. But hey, you're free to go on believing as you do. That's why they make chocolate and vanilla.

  5. I honestly didn’t know that you wrote that article, not that it matters at all. If you know who you are in this world it really makes all the difference. When I was young I had no idea who I was, so I allowed others to tell me how to look at things, always formed my opinions by what everyone else was saying. I believed in God but I wouldn’t openly admit it because it was perceived to be a sign of weakness, and used as a crutch for people that weren’t strong enough to deal with life’s little trials and tribulations. Many years have past since I made the decision to surrender my will to God, and it was the single hardest thing that I have ever done. Once you take that first step toward God it’s a constant barrage of assaults, mental, spiritual, and even physical, and they are all intended to knock you off your stance so that you are unable to establish a real faith. The longer you stand your ground the stronger your faith becomes, and the more your enemies become apparent to you. They are enemies of the faith, this is where you must bare in mind that as Christians we are obligated to love our enemies, I say obligated because Jesus didn’t really make suggestions. I tell you this because unless you understand what the fight is all about then you’re going to keep on thinking it’s all right to call someone an ignoramus, and a nut case because you think that’s what everyone is saying, But it’s not what everyone is saying, it’s what the left is saying. If you’re the type that just repeats these nasty comments that you think everyone wants to hear then you are nothing more than a tool. I have little respect for someone that hasn’t got the courage to stand for something, I’m assuming that you are neither a liberal or a conservative, which makes you a nobody in my book. At least amazingairwaves has a stance, that’s more than I can say for you. It’s time for you to grow up, it’s time for you to make a stand.

  6. There you go with the God stuff again. Can't we have a reasonable discussion without invoking His name?
    From what I can gather, you believe everyone who "takes a stand" must fit neatly into one of two categories you recognize: liberal or conservative. Is there not another way?
    My "stand" is that I believe in liberty, not only in the marketplace but in the bedroom. As a conservative businessman, Paladino believes in liberty in the marketplace but tyranny in the bedroom. I believe people who don't share my sexual orientation don't deserve to be discriminated against in employment or government services.
    I do find it interesting that you object to my justified labeling of Paladino as an ignoramus while you have no problem with him denigrating an entire class of adults who aren't like him.
    I also find it interesting that you seem to think that I'm expressing an opinion contrary to yours only because "[I] think that’s what everyone is saying,"
    If you're looking for a group-think forum, there are a number of doctrinaire conservative blogs you can visit, secure in the knowledge that your narrow views will not be challenged. If that's what you want, you've come to the wrong place, pal.

  7. Terry:

    Two things I've never understood:
    For Christian conservatives, it seems to me, sexuality is at the top of their sin list. Worse than lying, cheating or stealing, and almost unforgiveable. What I was taught in Sunday school is that God doesn't make distinctions when it comes to sin. He's agin' all of it.
    On the flip side, if you view homosexuality as morally wrong, liberals immediately brand you as a bigot and a hater, lumping you in with Nazis and Klansmen. There are plenty of people who oppose gay marriage without hating gays.
    I like to think you can differ on moral views while still being civil to each other. My sister and my niece decided to live with their boyfriends before getting married. The "Leave It to Beaver" generation in my family viewed this as wrong, while the "Sex in the City" segment considered it no big deal. I guess this could have torn us apart, but it didn't. We agreed to disagree, and agreed that we wanted to keep celebrating Christmas together. Imagine that.

  8. Great post Steve. I agree in total with your statement. I experience the same, believe the same, and act the same way around my gay friends.

  9. Steve, as usual you are the voice of sanity. I agree with every word as well.

    To Victim's Revenge, I would add the following question: If Paladino was so right, then why did he apologize?

  10. Everyone I know who claims to be gay has had something in thier lives cause those feelings to occur,and it has nothing to do with being born that way. I am a abuse survivor who could have chosen to go that route but didn't, I do remember being confused for a time. I feel for these people who have struggled with this and I honestly feel that being gay has to do with a mental illness,God did not create us to be attracted to the same sex. Creation wouldn't have worked. It doesn't mean he hates gays. God hates sin, and loves the sinner which we all have been. A close friend is gay and is one of the most nicest people you will ever meet but even he will tell you about his childhood. I'm sick of the political nonsense about this all. I say get rid of both parties and lobbying to. No polls to advice politicians what to say. I'm tired of the backstabbing and lies on both sides.

  11. Then I would ask you, when it comes to public policy, who cares about God? Last time I checked, our constitution forbids us from having a state religion. Thank God for that, so to speak.

  12. Fortunately this clown can't win. I actually like that he isn't hiding behind religion. He's just a bigot plain and simple. I'd also like to pint out that he's from Buffalo and not the NYC area. Victims, you are not worth the space.

  13. I appreciate your comments, Terry. I found your blog in a roundabout way, linked from an old friend through Facebook. What's truly interesting is how the past 31 years of different experiences have resulted in two diametrically opposite human beings: One conservative religious (see Victim, above), and myself - a gay man, professional, spiritually inclined yet dogma-opposed, about to celebrate my 20th anniversary with my husband/partner.

    I am continually amazed by the assertions by the likes of Amazing and Anonymous (above) that sexual orientation is a choice whereas many learned scientists, physicians, their professional organizations and the years of research state otherwise. These "uneducated" folks make all sorts of unsubstantiated attestations about why homosexuality is "abnormal" and yet their only source of reference - aside from the perceived anatomical incongruences to effective lovemaking, are writings purported to eminate from a diety thousands and thousands of years ago. Thank god for Thomas Jefferson, who wrote in 1801 that "religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God" and argued that the Constitution required "building a wall of separation between Church & State."

  14. Billy, welcome aboard. I dare not ask which of your FB friends posted a link to this blog. But I tend to agree with you about homosexuality not being a choice. If it were, who would choose it? It is, in many ways, a tough row to hoe. But you seem to be doing just fine, thank you. Thanks for your comment.

  15. Billy-b is obviously a subversive communist sympathizer! I’m just kidding, Billy will always be my friend. However, even though he is a highly intelligent individual, he is also ignorant when it comes to the actual mechanics of the Christian Faith. He relies on his own intellect to process the information that he gets from the Bible, as many people do. Once you realize that the wisdom that the Bible offers is only revealed to the people that have faith then you can begin to understand what needs to be removed from anyone that decides to take that first step toward God in order for them to receive the wisdom. For example the Bible is constantly contradicting itself so it’s hard to take it seriously for those that read it with what we Christians call the natural mind. Unfortunately there are more Christians that read the Bible that have never had these hindrances removed so they also interpret the Bible with the same misconceptions that the other segments of society have, so they can’t really get the true meaning either. A person of true faith knows that even though a contradiction might be pointed out, and mocked by a nonbeliever, the person of faith would have a good idea about why it’s there. In other words without faith they can’t understand it, and because of their ignorance it makes us look stupid.

  16. Actually, it’s not my intent to debate the mechanics of faith with my old pal VR. On the contrary, faith is a personal walk and I would not presume to condemn nor deny the right of any individual to partake on that particular journey.

    I have had my own journey: Beginning with being raised Catholic; seriously contemplating entering a seminary; walking through a period of self-denial and then, almost suicide when attempting to reconcile my sexual orientation with my “learned’ faith; trying to integrate my belief system with my personal experiences; studying philosophy and ethics coupled with my classes in the sciences; living all over these United States and traveling to other countries; but most of all – learning one very important lesson from my staunch Goldwater Republican Dad: Question incongruencies and stand up for my beliefs. And while I truly miss talking and debating with my dad (who died only 9 months ago), about politics and the state of the world,I have the utmost love and respect for him in helping me to grow and become the man I am today. And for loving, respecting and supporting me – just the way I am.

    About Victim’s assertion as to my ignorance regarding the “actual mechanics of the Christian Faith”, I do take issue. I’ve embarked, over the past 50 years, a journey of faith, inquiry, self-discovery and evolutionary thinking. I have come to the belief that faith, per se, being transcendently personal, and in accordance with the wisdom of our Framers, should be utterly and completely disconnected from our social and civil structure.

    This belief system of mine is the result of the following facts:
    • The current “books’ incorporated in that which we know as the “Bible” were decided on the command of the Roman Emperor Constantine who ordained that a group of “early church leaders” come together and develop a consensus about the Christian faith among the the various Christian and Jewish-Christian sects that existed at the time, (in order to unify the variying beliefs at the time). Consequently, there were a number of other books or writings (the Gnostic texts, for example) that were utterly discarded. (Was this the “will of God, I suppose?”)
    • The Qur’an is believed by millions of others to be the transcribed WORD of GOD, given to some guy named Mohammed, by an angel, and transcribed in Arabic. (47.4: So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them...) Lovely.
    • Millions of Jews believe that they are “the chosen” and consequently have the right to displace millions of non-Jews from their homes in Palestine.
    • The Book of Mormon, on the other hand, is thought to be the actual WORD of GOD, given to this American dude named Joseph Smith on some golden plates in some nouveau Egyptian characters (which have never been found) by some other angel. (This book claims that American Indians are a lost tribe of Israel, however DNA testing has disproved this. Yet, the Mormon scientist who discovered this truth has been excommunicated from the Mormon Church).

  17. (continued)

    The science-geek in me says “show me the money.”

    To VR’s statement that “the wisdom that the Bible offers is only revealed to the people that have faith” I would say that the wisdom of the divine (or the “ALL”) is only revealed to those that are open enough to experience it. I no longer subscribe to a particular dogma, per se. I don’t subscribe to a particular “leaning.” I think that, as a whole, we have lost touch with our collective humanity, and with our collective divinity.

    I remember many years ago reading in the Sunday “Parade” magazine, concentration camp survivor ,Elie Wiesel, wrote about the problem with “extremism”, be it extremism on the left or extremism on the right. I hesitate to take Mr. Wiesel’s words out of context, but what I do remember is that what he wrote at the time made a huge impact on me. When we believe that our belief system is truth, at the expense of all others, we are incapable of compromise.

    This is the problem with America.

    This is the problem with humanity.

    We have Tea Partiers who claim that President Obama is a Muslim, or foreigner. We have Christians who claim that homosexuals are the cause of earthquakes and hurricanes. We have a plutocracy which claims that Americans are on the verge of, yes…. say it: “socialism.” (All the while failing to recognize that Social Security, Medicare, the local fire department, maintaining society’s infrastructure, public schools, and the mandate to all hospital Emergency Rooms to treat anyone who presents for care are really, already, a sort of socialism. This is why we pay taxes, isn’t it? Taking care of one another isn’t Christian??)

    I don’t deny anyone’s faith. I do, take issue with those who maintain that all should subscribe to a “particular” flavor of faith, or that our civil laws should comport with one faith. The Framers opposed it. Why have we forgotten that?

    For those who state that the US is a “Christian” nation, I would point out four facts: If the United States of America were truly founded as a “Christian” nation, why do the two most important documents pertaining to the founding of this republic not mention the most important figure of the Christian faith? On the contrary, the Declaration of Independence mentions only the “laws of nature and nature’s god.” This is the language of Pantheism and Deism, a philosophy widespread at the time. Deists believed in a god but rejected theology. The first 4 presidents were, in fact, Deists, and not Christians.

    During the Constitutional Convention, a resolution was put up for a vote which proposed that all meetings would begin with a prayer. This resolution was rejected by a 2 to 1 majority.

    Of the 65 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, 22 were Free Masons, including George Washington. (A basic tenent of Freemasonry is the acceptance of all religions.)

    One of the first treaties signed by our new nation was the Treaty of Tripoli (1797), a treaty with a Muslim nation. It reads, “as the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…” and was signed by John Adams.

    And so, while I respect VR’s faith journey, it is not my faith journey. Yes, as far as he is concerned, I AM a non-believer. Thank god for the First Amendment, though. Because, I am sure that he couldn’t fathom my belief system. And that’s ok. I won’t try to push it him, or anyone else. I would just ask that he respect it. else.

  18. Billy-b, I’m sorry to hear about your father passing away nine months ago. My father passed at the end of January of this year, about nine months ago, an unhappy coincidence to be sure. I don’t mean to offend you by my assertion of your ignorance of the Christian Faith, but I’m afraid that you’ve proved my point just by stating your arguments the way you did. As Christians it is not our responsibility to know anything about other religions like the Muslims, or the Jews. Such as why pork is prohibited by these other religions, we just know that it’s not part of our faith to exclude these foods. However it is our responsibility to know something about other Christian religions because even though they’re still Christian some are more right than others and it’s up to the individual to make that distinction. What you are saying in your comment is, because you don’t understand how anyone can be sure of anything, then the whole concept about what faith really is seems to you to be a myth or a fairytale. I have the choice to give up my beliefs and go back to the way I was and live with the uncertainty and confusion that most people have to put up with, or stand true to my beliefs knowing that there are a whole lot more people out there like you that think their natural mind is correct by believing that there is no truth, or right way, or anything worth sacrificing your life for. So what you’re implying is that since it doesn’t make sense to you then it can’t be. What I’m saying is that I know what I was, but now I know who I am, which means that I could never go back. Now you made a choice in your life to be gay. When I knew you I thought of you as straight, because that’s what you lead me to believe. I know from my own life’s experience that the equivalent to a grand slam, or a last shot buzzer beater is turning a straight guy gay. So if you can turn a straight guy gay, then why do you insist that you were born that way? The reason is to win an important argument that proves that you are the innocent victims so you can unjustly impose your punishments to the right for pointing out your abnormality. If you saw the movie the “Amateurs” when Jeff Bridges said, “Why can’t you make the omelet without the eggs? I don’t know, I don’t know.”

  19. Out of respect for Terry, I don’t think it appropriate to turn this place into a personal banter between VR and myself. But, as to the free exchange of ideas, especially with regard to such highly volatile subjects such as religion and politics, I will continue to contribute here so long as it remains intellectual and non-disparaging.

    As to both of our fathers dying last January, this is truly an unfortunate coincidence, and VR has my most sincere condolences. Until losing my dad I really had no frame of reference when friends or colleagues lost a parent. I miss my dad terribly.

    It’s never been my intention to insult anyone’s faith. Suffice it to say, religion or faith is a personal journey. I have traveled my own road searching for something “more.” To call me ignorant because my beliefs don’t jive with his is not unlike from being called an infidel by a Muslim extremist. Faith is “belief that is not based on proof.” None of the religious beliefs which I wrote of in my previous posts can be prooved. This is in no way meant to challenge his, or anyone’s, belief system. It simply states a fact. The fact that we don’t harbor the same beliefs does not mean that I am ignorant, just as I would not call VR or a practioner of the Mormon or Muslim faith ignorant. Nor would I call VR ignorant for not believing as I do.

    The one thing that we all (meaning ALL Americans) should subscribe to is the notion that we are entitled to believe, practice, worship, or not worship in any way we see fit. AND that no one has the right – including government – to force, compel or coerce a religious belief system - or lack of one - on anyone else. This is the legacy of our Framers. VR’s faith is very important to him, and it has undoubtedly helped him through some very difficult times.

    VR also stated that the man he knew a very long time ago was a straight guy. Actually, this isn’t true. The young man, 18-19 years old, was a very confused man; a young man in complete denial. A young man who nearly took his own life because of the fear of what acknowledging his attractions and desires might have meant, including the rejection of those he cared most about. VR truly didn’t know that young man.

    I never chose to be gay. But one miraculous, illuminating day I did choose to accept myself for exactly how my creator made me.

    It's been groovy ever since. :)

  20. Billy-b, I don’t appreciate you twisting my words around so you can again appear to be the victim. I never said that you are ignorant. I said you are a highly intelligent individual that is ignorant of the actual mechanics of the Christian Faith, and then you proved I was right. I just hope that people will finally see how you guys operate.
